Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Two Sleeps!

This past week has been a blur, but I think we are inching ever closer to being ready to travel to Lucy! Honestly, I think the only thing left to do is the packing. We've turned the living room and dining room into packing central with clothes, snacks, baby items (which I had a wonderful time shopping for at Babies R Us!), and a virtual pharmacy for the "just in case" occurrences. Oh, and technology. Loads of technology. The people at the baggage checkpoint are going to laugh at us as we pull ipods, ipad, laptop, DS, camera, video camera out of pockets and backpacks for scanning. What did people do when they traveled this long 10 years ago?!

Jaden has been a trooper through it all! He is very excited to go to China and to bring home his little sister. We've kept up on our friends blogs to China so he can get an idea of what it will be like. We've watched gottcha day videos and read lots of books and watched movies. What an experience at 7 years old! He's looking forward to being a big brother and chats with us about all the things he's going to do with little Lucy - teach her how to talk, make her laugh, and help her with walking. He'll also tell you, though, that he's a little nervous as well. As he told us the first time we brought it up, "I've never had a sibling before and I don't know what it's going to be like." I think he has a secret plot that he's let slip a couple of times about seeing if we can also get a brother while we are there!

Two more sleeps... or not sleeps as it has been going. We arrive in China Friday night and we get little Lucy on Monday! We're coming, Lu!

 Signing our acceptance letter at CCAI on our anniversary! I could not stop smiling. 
I should, though, because it does look a little creepy.
Lucy's picture next to the pin in Fuzhou, where she is for one more week.

 We celebrated Bryan's 40th birthday and Jaden's 7th birthday last week.
 Crazy hair day!

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