Friday, November 4, 2011

On Our Way!

We are currently cruising at 32,000 feet in the air making the first leg of our journey to Lucy! First stop, Detroit.

If you get the opportunity to pray for us we would be grateful! Here are some specific practicals we are praying for:
* That we are reunited with all 3 of our bags in Hong Kong!
* Safe flights & that we make our connection in Detroit.
* As of now we don't have 3 seats together on the flight from Detroit to Hong Kong. Please pray that some kind soul will relinquish their cherished aisle seat so Bryan doesn't have to fold his 6'5" frame deeper in the row & we can enjoy the flight together.
* We are having trouble securing a lap ticket for Lucy on the way home. Pray that the Lord would go before us and work out the details.
* That the Lord would prepare Lucy to be welcomed into her forever family on Monday!

Thank you all! We have felt wrapped in your love and support and are thrilled to share our journey with you!

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