Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another Crazy Day!

Today is the day we can finally relax after the past two days that have been a constant rush. After we got the babies on Monday we were able to go back to our room for about an hour to bond and then Bryan had to go sign paperwork and fill out forms. Some of the Daddies were falling asleep while writing! Then we switched places and the Mamas went to sign. By the time I returned Bryan had both kids asleep - I love that man!

Yesterday we were up early for the hotel's amazing buffet breakfast and then met our group in the lobby by 8:30 to begin our appointments at Nanchang's government offices. First stop was the adoption registry office where each family in our group was interviewed, took a family picture and the babies got photos taken. Then we were whisked off to the notary where we were interviewed again. Then back to the hotel to meet the director of the orphanage. We had time for a quick lunch (room service pizza - yum!) and Lucy took a quick nap. An hour later we were back on the bus and headed to the Public Security Office. The babies all got passport photos taken.
Waiting for our turn at the Adoption Registry Office.
This is the director of the Fuzhou Orphanage. Lucy was in foster care through this orphanage.
All the Fu Girls - the girls in are group that were part of the Fuzhou  Orphanage.

Daddy can get Lu to laugh and laugh!
Finally we were off to buy baby items. They tell you just to bring a few diapers and wipes and clothes because you can buy it all here. And you can, but it sure is hard telling what a lot of it is! I wasn't expecting to feel so lost in the store. We've traveled to Mexico and to Brazil - I know what foreign markets are like and I really enjoy them. I don't speak Spanish or Portuguese by any means, but I know enough to ask "how much?" and where the bathroom is. In print there are usually words I can decipher and pick out a bit of meaning in the spoken language. But not in any way, shape or form in China! The tones are so different from English and if you try to refer to the printed language for help, well, forget it! Thank goodness for Evelyn and Sissi, and that we were pretty good at charades when they weren't around. We walked out with diapers, wipes and a few snacks, but the bigger items we needed were a bit expensive. We're going to a less expensive store tomorrow to get a stroller, baby blanket and clothes. I packed the most darling little outfits for Lu - I packed way too much, too. But when I got here I realized she is so itty bitty that very little of it will fit her! She is definitely in 3-6 mo. clothes comfortably and we brought all 6-9. They literally fall off her! So we're going to have to buy a lot while we are here!

We came rolling back into the hotel around 7:30pm very tired and a little cranky and ready to fall into bed. The long, emotional days have been draining us. I do have to tell you that Jaden has been hanging in there like a champ! I am so proud of how well he weathered the last two days - probably even better than we did. He is so in love with little Lucy and has been a fabulous big brother playing with her and helping us out. He is amazing!

We were all so tuckered out on the bus.
Jaden was out cold with his head against the side of the bus. It was a riot!

Luckily today there has been nothing on the schedule except a doctor's appointment, and he's came to the hotel. Ahhh... rest, sweet rest! We all had a fabulous night's sleep and slept later than we have the whole trip. Lucy got a clean bill of health at the doctor and then we headed to the pool here at the hotel. Jaden swam so many laps I lost count! We've been sitting on planes, trains and automobiles for so long he had quite a bit of pent up energy. Now we are in the room resting and I am completely content!

On our way up to Sissi's room to visit the doctor. Alicia - the  sling is AWESOME!
Lu's check up.
At the pool. The hotel requires all guests to wear swim caps. Attractive, huh?
Our sweet kiddos!
Laughing with Daddy again!
I have been reading all of your comments and emails - thank you so much! I haven't been able to respond to everything with everything going on but please know how much your prayers, support and encouragement have meant to us! It has been a joy to share Lucy and this experience with you! Please continue to pray for us - for health and safety, that Lucy would continue to bond with us, that the rest we get would be multiplied. Pray for Jaden as he is sharing his parents for the first time, that all of our paperwork would go through quickly. Thank you so much!


  1. LOVE THIS!!!! I am dying to hold her! Tell Jaden I am so proud of him - and that he should have a birthday present waiting for him when you guys get him (oops... a little late). Will Skype tonight!!!

  2. THANK YOU for sharing this sweet time with all of us. The paragraph about Jaden made me tear up. What an amazing young man you are raising up, to be such a blessing at a stressful time. The sling is great resource and the more you (and other family members) can "wear" Lucy, the better the bonding. Love to all FOUR of you, Chris and Carrie

  3. There all kinds of smiles - polite ones, silly ones, photo ones. Then there are the best smiles - the ones that spring from the love and happiness filling your heart. That is the one each of you have in every picture. Congratulations Hill Family - - - Awesome, absolutely awesome!

  4. Love love love! Thank you for such a long post and so many pictures! Lucy is so so so cute! So glad she seems to be folding into your family so well!

  5. Lucy is adorable and looks so happy. I love that!!! Can't wait for you to get home so we can meet her!
