Monday, November 7, 2011

Four Hills At Last!

Beth, Melissa, and Charity - Three women I've become so close to and relied on through this process!

Yesterday was a very long and crazy day! I won't get into the gory details, but we spent 8 hours on a bus, a shuttle, a plane and back on a bus again. Unfortunately circumstances made it so that we weren't able to get lunch before leaving HK, and we arrived late to Nanchang which meant no dinner either. Thank goodness for the granola bars and trail mix that we packed!

Jaden taking in the sights of Hong Kong through the bus window.
So we arrived in Nanchang oh so tired, soggy from standing in line for the plane in the pouring rain, starving and very, very excited. The babies had already arrived at the hotel and were waiting for us to get there. Evelyn, our CCAI representative, said there is usually an hour long meeting before the babies arrive, but there was no time so she had to give us the abbreviated version on the 30 minute bus ride to the hotel. She was talking away, but I think all I retained was "the babies are waiting at the hotel"! This was it, our Gotcha Day!

Once we got to the hotel there was no time to go to the room, we just lugged our carry-on's up to the meeting room and minutes later the orphanage workers would bring out the babies! There was a maylay of cameras being handed to others further down in the baby list, quick camcorder directions, getting into position, and then the doors open. Lucy was baby number two. She is so beautiful! I've wondered a million times what that moment would be like when they put her in my arms. Nothing would have prepared me for the moment we had - it was absolutely perfect! I took her from the nanny and those big brown eyes just locked into mine forever. She stared at me and took me in while I fell instantly in love.

Hello sweet girl! How amazing to have her in my arms at last!
Daddy's girl already
Finally getting to hold my sister at last!


  1. Ahhh goosebumps all over!!!! OMG what a wild ride. It is seriously funny that our group split into 4 travel groups is having such different experiences. To travel so long with no meals to then end up at gotcha is CrAzY! I am just so thrilled that you all have your babies. I would love to see each of their girls with their families. I am sure Charity will update her blog, I'm headed there next. If you can, I'd love to see a shot of Beth and Delaney with her two older girls. How are they doing? Is Lindsay in LOVE with D? How is Jaden doing with Lucy? I loved the picture of him holding her and the one of him looking out the window. OMG my little one just crawled under my feet and whoowee do I have to go change her diaper. I can't wait to see more! Thanks so much for keeping the blog! I'm addicted!

  2. So wonderful Keek! I am so happy for your family. What a beautiful moment. Enjoy the sights of Nanchang, it is a wonderful city. Take in as much as you can to share with Lucy over the years! Can't wait to hear more.

  3. Oh Keek, I'm so happy you guys finally have her! The pictures made me cry! Can't wait to meet your adorable daughter!

  4. Oh Keek. I am so overjoyed for you all. I have tears of joy in my eyes. Not only do you have your daughter in your arms. She has you. She is no longer a lost girl. She is found and has a family to love her and teach her and reflect to her the love of our Father

  5. Wow! Tears.... so happy! I love the smile on your face when you are holding her.. And as Shannon said, Lucy is so blessed to have you and Bryan and Jaden. She has a loving family who has prayed for her and for this day for so long. She is exactly where she is supposed to be- with you! Her Father in heaven kept her and watched her as her family was preparing and waiting with anticipation. Ahhhh! So truly happy this day has finally come!

  6. Sooooooo wonderful!!!! I'm loving these pictures! I love you, my friend, and I'm so happy you finally have Lucy and she finally has you!!!

  7. I'm crying! How precious! So excited for you all.

  8. Oh Keek, you guys have had such a crazy ride for the first few days of getting Lucy! I'm so glad today was your day of rest! You are probably sleeping by now - it's 9:00PM your time! Hope you get tons of rest! Love seeing the 4 Hills together finally and praying for the bonds to grow between you all!

    I love seeing Jaden with Lucy! It's amazing to me how much her profile in the pic with him looks like Grace Lin! She is a Fu baby also.
