Thursday, October 13, 2011

Has it really been 2 weeks since we first saw sweet Lucy's picture? We've carried her with us everywhere and shown off her sweet little face, sometimes to people we don't even know! Jaden is such a proud big brother sharing her picture with literally everyone at school. We are in love with our little girl already.

The past two weeks have been spent mucking through the last round of paperwork. Well, until we come home anyway. We've gotten more passport photos taken, more documents notarized, more documents photocopied and Fed-Xed. But knowing that we are so much closer and having Lucy's face etched in our minds makes this round so much easier than the rest!

Now that we finally know Lucy's age we are able to set up a nursery (instead of a toddler room) and we have a better idea of what we need. I couldn't wait to go through all the clothes we've gathered for her through the years - so many cute little dresses and pants and skirts! I can't wait to see her in them - several are laid out, ready to go with us to China. We were able to send her a care package, it should be there by now. We picked out a soft blanket, a stuffy that plays music, a rattle that Jaden picked out. We also sent a couple of disposable cameras hoping that the nannies would take some pictures of her for us. I've heard that once the orphanage receives our acceptance letter they mail updated pictures and information. What we originally received was from August 15th. Can't wait to see how much she's grown!

Bryan was able to reschedule his surgery for December 1st. It's the very last day the workman's comp doctor approved him for. I'm slightly concerned we won't be back by then. My understanding of the process is that our agency is waiting for our final appointments with the Chinese government in Nanchang to be scheduled. As soon as they receive that information they will email the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou for the soonest available appointment to get Lucy a visa to come home with us. Once that is scheduled we can make travel plans. I am really hoping we can leave around November 10th, which is about the timeframe of the previous travel groups. But there is a chance that we won't leave until later, which would put us back in the U.S. after Bryan's surgery date. True to Hill form, it's going to be a nail biter! 

Tonight I have an incredible need to have Lucy in my arms. I want her home safe and sound so badly! I want to kiss those sweet cheeks and hold her close. Please Lord, let this month go by quickly.

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