Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nestless Nesting

Historically people who are expecting and getting closer to the big day begin to nest. It doesn't matter how the Lord brings children into your family, right before they arrive you have this uncontrollable need to prepare. Unfortunately, we have never been ones to do things the easy way so... as we are expecting this time around our nesting has consisted of selling our nest and finding a new one.

That's right, we sold our house the beginning June! We couldn't find exactly what we were looking for in a new house right away, but we finally found the perfect fit. Everything is looking right on track for us to move in toward the end of July. In the mean time we are staying with my parents, who thought their nest was empty. Surprise! The babies are back!

Having the urge to nest and no nest to prepare is ruffling my feathers! I want shift my attention to focus on buying everything we need for our new little one, but that is a bit tricky until we get our match. She could be anywhere from six months old to two years old. We may need an infant car seat... or we may not. We may need bottles... or we may not. Should I prepare a nursery with a crib or go straight to a twin bed? The suspense is killing me! So I'll just go back to getting everything else ready in our house. Oh wait, we don't have one. I guess I'll just have to focus on Mom's house! And so we are painting Mom's house to nest for our daughter. Whew! I feel better!


  1. Great Post Keek!! Love the title "Nestless Nesting" that is a classic. What a great story to tell your daughter some day.

  2. I love reading your blog! I'm so excited for your new little one! Looking forward to reading more!
