Thursday, September 29, 2011

Matches Have Been Mailed!

My heart is racing... China has mailed out matches and my log in date is included in this group! We have a match with little Lucy - her sweet little picture and all of her information is flying over the ocean to finally come home to us!

Once our agency receives the information it takes them about a day to look everything over and translate it and then they will call us the next day to come meet little Lucy! There is a slight chance the call will come today, but since it doesn't appear that they received the matches yesterday it's more likely that it will come tomorrow. There also is a chance it won't come until Monday... waiting the whole weekend knowing we have a match and not seeing her face will be sheer torture! None of my "sisters" in my yahoo group have had to wait over a weekend to see their little ones, so I'm hopeful that we won't either.

Tomorrow is our anniversary. Meeting little Lucy would be a fabulous way to celebrate 16 years together!

Keep checking back... we'll post her picture as soon as we get it!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Surgery Date

Bryan was able to get a tentative date of October 6th for his ankle surgery. We were hoping for sooner, but after some thought this seems like really good timing. (What a surprise the God provided a date that is good timing - lol!) If, by chance, we happen to get our match this month Bryan can cancel the October 6th date and go back to the December date when we arrive home from China. If we don't get a match this month he can go forward with surgery on October 6th and hopefully have a good 8 weeks to heal before we travel to get sweet Lucy. In theory it sounds pretty good!

If China stays consistent to what has been happening the past few months matches should come out around September 30th. Two weeks. Wow. It's hard to believe there is a possibility we will get to see Lucy's face in two short weeks!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Joy and Disappointment

My heart is a mixed bag of emotion. China sent matches of precious little girls this week - joy! I was able to  watch many friends get the first picture of their daughter and see those sweet little faces! Complete joy! One friend received twins - two beautiful, beautiful girls. My heart is full of happiness for them all - a few I've known since we began this process back in 2006. I love getting to see my girls united with their sweet daughters and share in their elation!

Unfortunately, China only handed out matches for two more days. They were at July 12, 2006 and it seems as though they've given matches to people who had their paperwork logged in on July 13 and 14, 2006. Two days. They matched two itty bitty days. Our log in date is July 22, 2006 so in order to get to us in the next round China will have to match 8 more log in dates. That many days generally don't get matched in one month. It has happened, but only very rarely. Stink. So it's looking more like we may get a match towards the end of October (barring any unforeseen setbacks).

I have to admit, I was extremely disappointed when we realized only two days had been matched. I was really hoping for an end of September referral. Knowing Lucy has been born and is waiting for us in an orphanage makes me want to go now and snuggle her in my arms! Knowing I will probably have to wait another month to do that is so discouraging. But, in true perky form, I have been looking for the silver lining. Nothing can trump having Lucy here with us, but if there are any silver linings to be found they would be: 

1) We will most likely travel in December. If travel assignments continue to be given has they have with the past two groups we will be traveling from mid December to the end of the month. Now, I am definitely not crazy about being in China for Christmas, but it would be nice if Jaden didn't have to take 2 weeks off of school and have to make up all that work. If we travel over Christmas break it may make for an easier transition back home for Jaden. He doesn't go back to school until January 5th, so we'll even have some time to recover from jet lag and spend some time together as a family of 4 before he heads back to school. 

2) I will get a whole semester with my new little group of 1st graders, which I think will be a much easier transition for them and for me before I go on maternity leave. 

3) Bryan will use up the rest of his vacation time for this year in China, but he gets new vacation weeks at the first of the year. He can use some of his new weeks to makeshift a little paternity leave before heading back to work.

There is one major downfall. Bryan hurt his ankle at work and needs surgery. It's under workman's comp which is good, but instead of being able to schedule it at a time that works best for our family, Bryan is pretty much at their mercy. He did get the workman's comp doc to put it off until Dec. 1st (when we thought we'd travel in Nov.), but now we need to bump it out another month and the doc won't schedule it in the new year. He either has to go in for surgery ASAP so he'll heal in time to travel to China or get the surgery when we return and pay for it ourselves. Please pray that he can get scheduled for surgery soon and that he heals quickly.

Ultimately I know that God is sovereign. He is in control of all things and He is taking good care of our family. He has known the day that Lucy will be placed in our arms from the beginning and that timing will be perfect! I love looking back at how he brought Bryan and I together, how he brought Jaden to us and now how he is bringing Lucy to us and us to Lucy. This wait is no surprise to Him, the awesome God who holds the oceans in the palm of his hands and measures the mountains on a scale. He always has been and will continue to shower his children with mercy and love - we are so grateful for his kindness!