Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nearing the Top of the Hill

I love roller coasters. I love the big hills that make your stomach drop, the sharp corners, the tunnels, the speed. But what I love most of all is the beginning. That conflicting feeling as I climb the first really big hill. The car ever so slowly climbs higher and higher and all the thoughts that go through my mind make me feel like a pressure cooker about to explode. “Oh my goodness, I want off! Why did I get on? I can’t wait for the drop! Look how high we are! Is this safe?” My mind is racing a hundred miles an hour while it feels like my body is nearly at a standstill. The anticipation and anxiety of what lies ahead in the big drop and swoops and loops and turns nearly over takes me and it continues to build with every kaching, kaching, kaching of the coaster inching up the track.

In March 2006 Bryan and I climbed on a roller coaster. It's been slowly inching it's way up that first big hill for five years now, building anticipation, anxiety and excitement every step of the way. Orientation for China adoption (March 2006), kaching. Paperwork and homestudy complete, kaching. Dossier accepted in China (aka LID - July 22, 2006), kaching. Parenting classes complete, kaching. Homestudy and paperwork expire, kaching. Everything updated and renewed, kaching. Expired again, kaching. Renewed again, kaching. Expire, kaching. Renew, kaching.

We are nearing the top of the hill. The build up of anticipation is almost too much to bear! The CCAA, China's adoption organization, finished matching precious children to families with June 2006 LID's and they are now working on matching families with July 2006 LID's. It's our month! They are working on our month!

It's almost time to let go of the bar, throw our hands up in the air and scream with joy through the wild ride ahead. The anticipation has been building for five years. We are excited, scared, nervous and ready/not ready at the same time. More than anything we can’t believe it’s actually happening! It’s our turn!

We'd be honored to have you join us on our adventure as we finally meet little Lucy and bring her home.


  1. Great start to your blog Keek! I'm looking so forward to traveling with you all in China. Hopefully Lucy, Delaney and Natalie will be in the same provence so we can all witness the long awaited meetings with our daughters.

  2. So excited for you guys! Praying you get to hold your sweet baby girl in your arms soon!!!

  3. Oh my goodness... goosebumps. This is beautiful, you are all beautiful!!!So exciting

  4. So excited that this dream is becoming a reality for you all! Can't wait to meet Lucy either. Thanks for keeping us posted. Miss you.

  5. Congrats! exciting news. we are currently waiting for a referral from Moldova, well we were until our country closed temporarily. It'll be a few months until the referrals start coming in again. I just wrote a post about roller coasters & how I don't like them anymore-too funny! Maybe my perspective will change when we are where you are now. I'm going to be following your blog & can't wait to hear the news that your little one is ready & waiting for you. :)

  6. Can't wait to meet Lucy! Your blog looks great!

  7. Great blog!!! Will you work on mine, please? :)

    Love you and sooooo excited to meet Lucy!
